TCP Implant Marathon
Live Hands-On
Implant Courses

Gain Confidence in Implantology with Real Hands-On Courses


Level 1 - Implant Surgery

Place 30 implants
in 5 days!

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Level 2 - Advanced Surgery

Perform 7 advanced surgery cases
in 5 days!

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Level 3 - Complex Grafting

Complex cases tailored to the learning goals of our alumni!

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Trinon Collegium Practicum

TCP Implant Marathon for Austin-based Dentists!

Educating Dentists
Since 2003!

General dentists from Austin who want to gain confidence in implantology are invited to join the TCP Implant Marathon – a comprehensive dental CE focusing on implantology with hands-on practical experience. Through hands-on implant training, our program gives dentists from Austin the skills they need to add implants to their practice.
In both local and foreign settings, our live implant training events will give you the chance to get real-world practice with the help of experienced instructors and professors. Austin dentists who sign up for our hands-on implant course are guaranteed to place 30 implants in 5 days.
Our 5 day live implant training program includes not only implant placement under supervision, but also treatment planning and management of complications. Our main goal is to make sure you are ready to go back to Austin with full confidence. 

Years Educating Austin Dentists


Implantology Courses Organized


Dentists Trained Since 2003



Why Should You Enroll in the Best Implant CE Course?

Real Hands-On Experience

Entering the world of implantology can be difficult for some dentists, especially if their dental education did not provide any real-world experience and focused only on theory. Trinon Collegium Practicum's goal is to make the learning process easier for dentists from Austin by making sure that the skills and information they gain in our implant course can be implemented into their own practice right away!

Learning by Doing

Practical implant experience is the most important when deciding to add implants to your practice. During our live implant course, you will gain full confidence in 5 days, by treatment planning and placing 30 implants, under supervision of some of the best surgeons!

It's Time to Start Placing!

After the five days of the live hands-on TCP Implant Marathon, you will have enough confidence to finally stop referring your patients and start placing implants. We invite all Austin-based dentists to join our program and dive into the world of implantology with real-hands on implant courses!

TCP Implant Marathon

Implant CE Course For General Dentists From Austin,Texas

Since 2003, the TCP Implant Marathon has trained more than 3,700 dentists from all over the world (including many from Austin, TX!). 
Our 5-day implant courses give you unlimited learning potential with 30 implants to place and 30 more implants to assist with! Supervised by top instructors, you spend 10 hours per day discussing cases, treatment planning, and performing surgery. 
Now in it’s 21st year, the TCP Implant Marathon has become one of the best implant courses in the world and we hope you will not hesitate to join one of our live implant training sessions soon!